Monday, June 28, 2010

Peace Corps: My Assignment

Total flight distance is 10,011 miles (16,111 km) from Phoenix, AZ to Pretoria, South Africa.
Image and calculations courtesy of

Okay so the main question that I've been getting is about what I'll actually be doing in South Africa. What's my job? First, let me give you what Peace Corps gave me. "In my role as School and Community Resource Volunteers, I will work at the secondary education level:

  • "assisting teachers in improving their teaching, subject content knowledge and classroom practices in all subjects in accordance with the requrements of the outcomes-based curriculum;
  • "providing direct instruction to learners primarily but not exclusively;
  • "complementing the Department of Education's training of teachers and school management teams on the outcomes-based curriculum, overall school management and other initiatives;
  • "supporting initiatives by government and non-government organizations that promote HIV/AIDS awareness and education in schools and communities as well as developing strategies for handling the subject in schools;
  • "working with school governing bodies, educators, parents and community members to stregthen the parnership between schools and communities;
  • "initiating, supporting and strengthening programmes in the community which empower out-of-school youth."

Basically I'm going to be teaching math, working with other teachers to create a better teaching program and working with administration to improve education quality. Besides those 6 things listed, I also can take on secondary and tertiary assignments of my own choosing. These assignments can be anything from hosting english literacy sessions to improving beekeeping practices in the area.

Anything else that I want to get involved with, I essentially can. The extra projects will "be largely determined by my initiative, skills and interests, and the interests and needs of my community." It should be interesting to say the least, I am so excited to finally start working!

Yours in Elation,
Chad Wolver

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this posting are in no way intended to represent the views of the United States Peace Corps or the United States Government.